
Test262 is the official test suite of the ECMAScript specification. To ensure conformity with the specification and prevent regressions, we continuously test Nova against the test suite and track the results. Below is a chart showing the test results of the latest commits to Nova.

Pass Skip Timeout Unresolved Fail Crash 451253e f0a1f66 62d5679 57eeeb2 99f018b 25945bf dc89ad7 40857ee 5bba5b4 797cba3 814eac4 d6d4b0b 3f870b6 20c8084 5c1c447 fde1545 fd130c4 a941a9d 057d198 84361e4 c829cc6 e0a7bd3 9c04ce2 f2b0567 9dcd62d 0d92980 4e63fc9 7f5e897 6ce5084 ed95b49 48ea659 cd57c9d d185e77 73511cc 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
feat(ecmascript): TypedArrayCreateFromConstructor and %TypedArray%.of (#601)
At 2025-03-25 19:54:30 commit 73511cca93788c51fae4ca067443267e45ec4499
27188 (58.1%)65 (0.1%)0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)7451 (15.9%)12097 (25.8%)

A more detailed breakdown of the current test results can be viewed on test262.fyi.