Internals of Nova Part 2 - Rows for the Row God, Columns for the Column Throne!

Published by
Aapo Alasuutari

Last time I talked about how non-ordinary objects in Nova delegate their object features to a "backing object". This allows JavaScript's "exotic objects" to focus on their core features and avoid getting bogged down in the details of JavaScript object-hood. This saves us some memory on every exotic object, but there is nothing particularly amazing about this trick. Any old engine could do the same thing and reap the same benefits.

This time I will delve into the foremost idea behind Nova's heap structure, and the thing that really sets Nova apart from a traditional engine design. This idea is also what has driven me to dedicate my time to Nova. That idea is the "heap vector", an idea inspired by the entity component system architecture and data-oriented design in general.

Let's skip right to the punchline! We'll take a look at the aspirational heap structure of Nova, then come back for the reasons later. So buckle in and prepare yourself, this might sting a little before it gets better. I promise you, it will feel good in the end.

After a few moments, I perceived a line of data with purpose

Nova's heap is built around homogeneous vectors of data. We do not have any generic heap objects, heap object headers, no tombstones for relocations, no interesting nursery heap split apart from the old space heap, no fancy half-space copying garbage collector... We only have a bunch of vectors that are managed quite plainly and simply. Each kind of heap item, be it a Symbol, String, Number, ordinary Object, Array, Map, Set, ... or other has its data saved in its own "heap vector". A JavaScript Value in Nova is an 8-bit type tag which tells which heap vector to access and a 32-bit index into the vector. Everything else flows from there.

So what should these heap vectors hold? Let us go take a look.

Array heap data

First, let's look at how I want to eventually store the humble Array in Nova's heap:

/// One-based index into ArrayHeapVec
/// Note: NonZeroU32 is used to make Option<Array> the same size as Array.
struct Array(NonZeroU32);

struct ArrayHeapData<const N: usize> {
    /// a u32 index into ElementsHeapDataVec<CAP>, where CAP is determined by
    /// the corresponding ElementCapacityWritability datum.
    elements: [ElementIndex; N],
    /// length of the Array
    lens: [u32; N],
    /// u8 identifier of elements capacity, and writability of length
    caps: [ElementCapacityWritability; N],

struct ArrayHeapVec {
    // Note: Invalid Rust, 'cap' cannot be referred to as const generic.
    // This is only to show the concept.
    ptr: *mut ArrayHeapData<cap>,
    // Note: Use u32's as we index using u32; usize would be unnecessarily large.
    len: u32,
    /// Number of ArrayHeapData that were allocated behind ptr, ie. the size of
    /// the ptr allocation. This is the `<cap>` above.
    cap: u32,
    backing_objects: HashMap<Array, OrdinaryObject>,

Our Array "heap vector" is a pointer to three sequential arrays of ElementIndex (effectively a u32), u32 length, and ElementCapacityWritability (a u8). (These should actually be MaybeUninit<T> for each slice but I'm saving keystrokes.) An Array owns one item in each slice (the index determined by its value), meaning that an Array's heap data is effectively an (ElementIndex, u32, ElementCapacityWritability) tuple, which is 9 bytes in total (we get to ignore padding because of the homogeneous slices). You can view this as an in-memory database of three dense columns.

Additionally a fourth sparse column of backing object references is needed. This is the backing_objects hash map. Arrays with properties (aside from 'length') or a non-default prototype require an entry in this column. The absolute majority of Arrays do not have these and this way we avoid the need to allocate any memory for them. This does assume that we can know the Array's Realm so that we can create a backing object with that Realm's Array.prototype intrinsic but if we keep a separate Heap for each Realm then this is not a problem.

While the above is what I want our Array heap to eventually look like, we are not there yet. Currently Nova's Array heap vector looks like this:

struct ArrayHeapData {
    /// NonZeroU32, 1-based index to Vec<ObjectHeapData> or 0 for None
    backing_object: Option<OrdinaryObject>,
    /// NonZeroU32, 1-based index to Vec<ElementsHeapData<cap>>
    elements: ElementIndex,
    /// u8 identifier of elements array capacity (powers of two)
    cap: ElementCapacity,
    /// value of this Array's length property
    len: u32,
    /// writable flag of this Array's length property
    len_writable: bool,

type ArrayHeapVec = Vec<ArrayHeapData>;

Each Array again owns one index in the ArrayHeapVec but the Array's data is all held together. This is somewhat simpler to reason about and much easier to write out in code than the slice-based one up above. That being said, this is also very likely to have worse performance: This struct's size is larger because of padding bytes and the backing object index held within, and because it is not split into separate slices loading one piece of data loads all the data. This often leads to wasted memory bandwidth: Reading an Array's length does not need any other data, and reading an element by index does not need the backing object.

Object heap data

In the same vein, what I want our Objects to look like is this:

/// One-based index into ObjectVec
/// Note: NonZeroU32 is used to make Option<OrdinaryObject> the same size as
/// OrdinaryObject.
struct OrdinaryObject(NonZeroU32);

struct ObjectHeapData<const N: usize> {
    /// a u32 index to ShapeVec
    shapes: [Shape; N],
    /// a u32 index to PropertiesHeapDataVec<CAP> where CAP is determined by
    /// the crresponding Shape.
    properties: [PropertiesIndex; N],

struct ObjectVec {
    ptr: *mut ObjectHeapData<cap>,
    len: u32,
    cap: u32,

Each Object owns one index of the ObjectHeapData slices, so each Object has a Shape (a u32) and a PropertiesIndex (a u32) for a total of just 8 bytes. The Shape value is an index to a heap vector of Shapes, also known as hidden classes or Maps. These are data structures that describe the shape of an object, ie. its prototype and keys. They help reduce memory usage of objects by deduplicating the repetitive parts, and they make caching of prototype property access (such as class method access) possible. Nova does not currently have Shapes, but they are an absolute necessity for any JavaScript engine that hopes to have good performance under real-world workloads.

Shapes are usually fairly large data structures, as they take up responsibility for much of the complex and dynamic parts of JavaScript objects. Increasing their number without limit is generally not a good idea. We can slim down Shapes and somewhat limit their number by eg. moving the extensible flag and/or the CAP value of the Shape into the index part itself at the cost of supporting a smaller maximum number of Shapes in the engine.

And as with Arrays, Nova's Objects are currently not yet split into slices like this. It is also not guaranteed that it makes sense to split all of the fields apart like this: It all depends on the memory access patterns of the program, which in a JavaScript engine's case depends largely (but not only!) on the JavaScript code being run.

In Object's case, reading properties always requires reading both a shapes and a properties value so we do not gain any direct benefit by splitting the two values from each other. Reading the Object's shape still benefits as it does not depend on the properties value and reading the shape is a common operation due to prototype property access caching, but whether that is a worthwhile benefit remains to be seen.

Rows for the Row God, Columns for the Column Throne!

So that was Arrays and Objects. These are the most common objects, so it makes sense to put some effort into these. But surely I won't ask for the same work to be put into every kind of object? Or do I really want to create a separate in-memory database for each kind of object?

Yes! That is exactly what I want! As long as performance measurements show that it makes at least some sense, rows and columns is what I want to do. The more the merrier! "But why?", you ask. Well, let me tell you.

The reason is cache efficiency and memory savings. CPUs do not load memory by the byte, they load it by the cache line which is usually 64 bytes. Loading a new cache line means that a previous cache line must be evicted from cache. Every 8 byte pointer we replace with a 4 byte index saves us 4 bytes. Every pointer that we entirely eliminate from the common case saves us 8 bytes. Every byte we load into CPU cache despite knowing it is unused by the current operation is always either wasted work spent evicting an old unnecessary byte to make room for a new unnecessary byte, or is an active loss if we evict an one old byte that we were going to be using soon. With this in mind, we should ensure that common operations do not load any unused bytes by splitting data onto separate cache lines. This stops us from loading known unused bytes, and instead loads adjacent data of the same type.

What does the adjacent data help then? Looking at an operation in a vacuum, it does not help at all. But the code does not run in a vacuum, and the common operation is not a one-off. It is likely to be repeated many times over, on multiple related heap items. Because these items are related, they are likely to have come from a single source and be allocated next to one another in memory. The adjacent data will therefore likely contain the data we need to perform the operation on the next item. Splitting apart things that we know we do not need means we are more likely to load what we do need: We switch from loading known unused bytes into loading maybe useful bytes. It is a blessing, not a curse.

Let's take an optimal example case: Iterating over an Array of Arrays to calculate their combined length. Your code might look like this:

arrays.reduce((acc, arr) => acc + arr.length, 0);

In Node.js, a JavaScript Value is 8 bytes, an Array is 32 bytes and the smallest possible Object is 24 bytes. In Chromium where V8's pointer compression is used, these numbers halve to become 4 bytes for a reference, 16 bytes for an Array, and 12 bytes for an Object. In Nova's (aspirational) case the numbers are 8, 9, and 8 bytes: Comparing to Chromium, our Value is double the size but we nearly halve the size of Arrays and take one third out of Objects. Remember that the usual cache line size (which is the smallest unit of memory that a CPU can really load) is 64 bytes.

With this we can see that in Chromium each element (indexed property) in arrays takes 4 bytes and loading the arr.length loads the Array's data into memory which takes 16 bytes. This means that getting the arr.length in total requires loading 20 bytes on average. Array's elements are usually allocated sequentially, so in Chromium one cache line can fit 16 Array references (arr) in arrays. Assuming that all the Arrays pointed to by arrays are sequentially in memory, each cache line loaded by accessing arr.length contains 3 other arr.length values for a total of 4. The number of cache lines loaded is thus N / 16 + N / 4 = 5 * N / 16 where N is the number of Arrays in arrays. The actual data we really use to calculate the result is 4 bytes for the arr reference and 4 bytes for the length value, for a total of 8 * N bytes used. The rate of bytes loaded to bytes used is then (8 * N) / (64 * (5 * N / 16)) = 0.4. That is a 40% cache line utilization. (With Node the utilization would be only 25%.)

For Nova each entry in arrays takes 8 bytes. Using the same assumptions as above, we see that in Nova each cache line can fit 8 Array reference in arrays, and that each cache line loaded by accessing arr.length contains 15 other arr.length values for a total of 16. Every arr reference in Nova is effectively a (u8, u32) which means that 3 bytes are padding and dont't count as used (note: this makes Nova's result look worse, not better). The number of cache lines loaded is then N / 8 + N / 16 = 3 * N / 16, and the data actually used is 5 bytes for the arr reference and 4 bytes for the length value, for a total of 9 * N bytes used. The rate of bytes loaded to bytes used is then (9 * N) / (64 * (3 * N / 16)) = 0.75, for a 75% utilization of the loaded data.

That is a massive increase in utilization. It is still worth noting that increased utilization rate does not mean that the memory is necessarily used well. Both utilization rate and actual memory usage should be considered, and even that does not tell the whole story. But given that Nova (aspirationally) achieves both a smaller Array memory footprint and a higher cache line utilization rate, I do think it is fair to say that the vector based heap structure is at the very least interesting.

Data-oriented design

We finally come to the elephant in the room. Nova titles itself as a "data-oriented JavaScript engine" or as "following data-oriented design principles", and with the above we've seen a glimpse into what I mean by that. But... what does that "data-oriented design" actually mean? And how is that connected with heap vectors?

Data-oriented design as meant by Mike Acton in 2014 (terrific talk, watch it every night before bed!) is boiled down to the following points:

  1. As a matter of fact, the purpose of all programs and all parts of those programs is to transform data from one form to another.
  2. If you don't understand the data you don't understand the problem.
  3. Conversely, you understand the problem better by understanding the data.
  4. Different problems require different solutions.
  5. If you have different data, you have a different problem.
  6. If you don't understand the cost of solving the problem, you don't understand the problem.
  7. If you don't understand the hardware, you can't reason about the cost of solving the problem.

He also gives the following rules of thumb for thinking in terms he finds important or useful:

  1. Where there is one, there are many. Try looking on the time axis.
  2. The more context you have, the better you can make the solution. Don't throw away data you need.

The idea for this heap design started when I heard about the entity component system architecture. This lead me into data-oriented design which then again lead me to refine the heap design. It lead me to look at JavaScript in a statistical manner, to focus on the common case. It lead me to look at code and algorithms in a larger context. A line of code, an algorithm, a function written in JavaScript (or any other language for that matter) does not run once, and if it does then its performance is effectively meaningless to the program's runtime.

The bottleneck of your JavaScript program is never a single mathematical calculation or a single property access. It is always a for loop, a map over an array, perhaps a recursive algorithm: Each iteration repeats the same actions, if-statements take similar branches on each loop. The main things in these repeitions is reading and writing Object properties or Array indexes, doing some mathematical calculations, and maybe calling some builtin functions. Individually these are all fast, but put together they become slow. Often, the reason for the slowdown is bad cache performance. Every byte loaded during these actions evicts a byte from cache, which means that more cache lines need to be re-read after, which evicts more cache. Eventually the CPU spends most of its time just waiting for the next cache line to arrive so it can do a few trivial instructions and go right back to waiting.

A Javascript engine's purpose is to take the current JavaScript heap state and run the next code step on it to transform the heap state into the next state. Most JavaScript code uses objects in very predictable ways: Arrays for their indices, Objects for their named properties, Maps and Sets for hashing, ArrayBuffers as allocation markers, and so on. It stands to reason that an engine would take advantage of this predictability.

The backing object idea allows the engine to entirely skip dealing with the object features of exotic objects that technically are objects but are very rarely used as such. The heap vector idea allows the engine to move data into a memory layout that better reflects what code is likely to do next instead of having to keep things together because of the programmer's model of the JavaScript language.

Data-oriented design is a way of thinking about and designing software that tries to get to, or perhaps return to, the heart of what software is. It is about solving engineering challenges on real-world machines, with real-world data as your guide to the problem. Data-oriented design does not offer any new, surprising ideas. It is a return to the roots of asking: What is it that I am actually doing? How can I do it as efficiently as possible with the resources that I have (in a reasonable manner)? It is about first principles thinking. And this is the heap structure that it lead me to design and explore.