Taking out the trash

Published by
Aapo Alasuutari

Many people have taken a stab (and succeeded) at implementing safe garbage collection system and libraries in Rust. Why couldn't I? Why shouldn't I? And why I should but also really, really shouldn't.

This is less a blog post and more a soliloquy, for which I apologize. Join me in a disjointed ramble through garbage collection in a Rust JavaScript engine.

Entering the garbage heap

A garbage collector's job is to deallocate data that is no longer needed by anyone. The definition of "need" is undecidable, so we instead have to accept the lesser but decidable definition of "reachable". A piece of data is not reachable if there are no incoming references to it. The first instinct would be to say that this sounds like a fairly reasonable thing to do: Just have references from object to object, and follow those while making note of which objects you've seen. At the end remove all objects that you didn't see.

The problem is first that we don't really know where to start following these references, and second of all Rust really does not like the idea of keeping references between objects alive. We could downgrade the references to pointers and Rust's borrow checker would no longer be angry, but you would then have to wrestle with the usual problems of use-after-free, double-free, and other memory safety issues. No, that way is sealed for us.

Greater people have walked this road before, and they've gone on to do great things. See the links in the preamble for a sampling of these. However, at the end of the day what they've done is taken pointers, added some lifetime magic on top and made it good. That is not to say what they've done is bad, far from it. The problem is that they are using pointers, and I don't like pointers. They're coarse and rough and irritating, and they get everywhere. No, what I like is indexes. They're small and slick and neat. Only one thing, though: They don't work alone. An index is an index to something, and without that something it is but an integer.

So, I will need to do what greater people have done before me and create a safe garbage collector but this time for fancy integers, which then also requires keeping "something more" around for the integers to refer to. No biggie.

What's that garbage truck there?

Oh, that's just the existing garbage collector. It's not really very robust, and it can only run at night. See, Nova has a GC but it is not an interleaved GC. The GC can only run when no JavaScript is running, and as a result things like JavaScript benchmarks are basically guaranteed to eventually crash from going out of memory. In addition, the JavaScript Values have no Rust lifetime attached to them, so it's very easy to make a mistake and use a Value that is no longer valid after that agent.gc() call you made. See, Nova's garbage collector is a moving garbage collector and a very aggressively moving one at that. It is rather likely that a Value that the user is currently touching will indeed move (or rather, its data moves) during garbage collection.

Here's what the current GC looks like:

let agent = GcAgent::new();
let realm = agent.create_default_realm();
agent.run_in_realm(realm, |agent| {
    let result = agent.evaluate_script(script_source);
    // ...

and internally a builtin JavaScript function looks something like this:

fn array_prototype_map(agent: &mut Agent, this: Value, args: &[Value]) -> JsResult<Value> {
    // ...

If we want interleaved garbage collection, that means that eg. when Array.prototype.map calls the callback functions (which are likely to be user-defined ECMAScript functions, not builtins) then it should expect the this: Value and callback: Value to potentially move during that call. If we can use Rust's lifetimes to guarantee that code must be written with the chance of garbage collection in mind, then we can implement a "safepoint garbage collector".

Safe space for trash collectors

A safepoint garbage collector relies on static knowledge (usually by convention or linter, but in our case by construction through Rust's lifetimes) to perform GC at known points in the code: All callers must at this point have their valuables stashed away somewhere safe, and the trash collectors may take away the rest. This seems like a very reasonable approach to take, and I don't know of many other realistic approaches to interleaved garbage collection so I'll take it.

It would be natural to bind our Values to the &mut Agent lifetime: This exclusive lifetime is effectively what controls our JavaScript execution. Without the exclusive lifetime, JavaScript cannot be run and hence garbage collection cannot be (strictly) necessary. We can even write this as code easy enough:

fn array_prototype_map<'gc>(
    agent: &'gc mut Agent,
    this: Value<'gc>,
    args: &[Value<'gc>]
) -> JsResult<Value<'gc>> {
    // ...

This will compile, but the function cannot be called. As the lifetimes are all bound together and one of them is an exclusive one, calling this function will make the borrow checker reject the caller code. From a lifetime perspective it makes sense, but from an engine developer perspective this is unfortunate: Our Value is only a u8 and a u32 and it does not hold a real pointer-reference to the Agent, it just holds the lifetime to make sure that the &mut Agent borrow keeps us honest and stops us from using Value beyond its safe limits.

There are two ways we can fix this issue. The first is to add an extra level of indirection, and the second is to add an extra lifetime.

All problems can be solved by another level of indirection

Adding another level of indirection around Value can fix the problem of calling methods that may perform garbage collection. If the garbage collector can see and touch the indirected data (the actual Values) while we can only access them through a Context reference, then we've solved our issue!

fn array_prototype_map(
    ctx: &Context,
    this: Local<'_, Value>,
    args: &[Local<'_, Value>]
) -> JsResult<Local<'_, Value>> {
    // ...

Internally Context must hold at least a RefCell<Agent> so that we can still perform mutations on the Agent's heap but that's a problem for another day. The one, immediate downside with this is that the Local either needs to be an actual pointer to a Value or we need to implement a second enum Local that mostly just copies what Value already contains. Either way, this is a pain.

All problems can be solved by another lifetime

What if we don't add any indirection but instead add an extra lifetime? That usually solves all problems. Well, no... No matter how we wiggle, we cannot run away from the fact that we are trying to pass Value<'gc>s into a function that also takes some &'gc mut type: The borrow checker will not stand for this.

What we can do is to transmute the Value<'gc> into a Value<'static> temporarily, and rebind the lifetimes once inside the function call. But this is manual programming work that needs to be done in every call, and is very easy to forget. We can make it harder to forget by instead passing values as Register<Value<'static>> which only give out the inner Value<'_> if you give it the &'gc borrow to rebind to. This is better, but it still relies on the callee to not keep a Register<Value<'_>> around.

The benefit of these "register values" (and also why I call them that) is that they do not perform rooting unless it is going to be necessary. If all functions take Local<'_, Value>s as parameters, then all parameters must always be rooted (indirected). That is not a wonderful thing, as many parameters are often unused (see for instance the thisArg for Array.prototype.map and friends). Register values means parameters are unrooted when passed, and it is the callees responsibility to root them if they need to keep the Values beyond a potential garbage collection point. Similarly, it is the caller's responsibility to root any Values it wants to keep beyond the call to the callee.

What's at the root of all this anyway?

Rooting Values is necessary no matter how you slice it. For instance, let us consider a hypothetical builtin function that calls our array_prototype_map from above and stores the result into a target JavaScript Array:

fn do_mapping(
    agent: &mut Agent,
    target: Register<Array<'_>>,
    array: Register<Array<'_>>,
    callback: Register<Function<'_>>
) -> JsResult<Register<Value<'_>>> {
    let target = target.bind(agent);
    let array = array.bind(agent);
    let callback = callback.bind(agent);
    let result = array_prototype_map(agent, array.into_value(), &[callback.into_value()])?;
    let result = result.bind(agent);

The borrow checker will yell at us again: target keeps the lifetime of &Agent alive beyond a call that takes &mut Agent. This is the borrow checker being helpful: It tells us that target might have gotten garbage collected or moved during that call. What we have to do is root it before the call:

let target: Global<Value<'static>> = target.bind(agent).root(agent);
let array = array.bind(agent);
let callback = callback.bind(agent);
let result = array_prototype_map(agent, array.into_value(), &[callback.into_value()])?;
let result = result.bind(agent);

But if we do it like this, now we have a potential memory leak: If array_prototype_map threw an error then we'd forget to take() the Global we created, and it would forever stay a root in the heap. What we need is some way to bind the target to a "scoped" root value.

fn do_mapping(
    scope: &Scope,
    agent: &mut Agent,
    target: Register<Array<'_>>,
    array: Register<Array<'_>>,
    callback: Register<Function<'_>>
) -> JsResult<Register<Value<'_>>> {
    let target: Local<'_, Value<'_>> = target.bind(agent).scoped_root(scope);
    let array = array.bind(agent);
    let callback = callback.bind(agent);
    let result = array_prototype_map(agent, array.into_value(), &[callback.into_value()])?;
    let result = result.bind(agent);

This would probably work, but it's still problematic in a few ways. First, we now have two parameters that we need to keep passing through everything. We can probably solve that problem by just combining scope and agent into a single context parameter though. The second and harder problem is that there is nothing binding Scope and Agent together: We'd want Scope to know which Agent it belongs to and only be "openable" using that Agent but this requires adding a generativity like solution, that is it requires another lifetime parameter. This "brand" lifetime would also need to be stamped onto Agent and each Value and its subvariant like Array and Function. It might be possible to reuse the 'gc lifetime for this purpose which would make it mostly palatable:

fn example<'gc, 'brand, 'scope>(
    scope: &'scope Scope<'brand>,
    agent: &'gc mut Agent<'brand>,
    value: Register<Value<'brand>>
) -> JsResult<()> {
    let value: Value<'gc> = unsafe { value.bind(agent) };
    let local_value: Local<'scope, Value<'brand>> = value.scoped_root(scope);

This is still not very pretty, even if most of the lifetime parameters can be elided out. And how would we now combine scope and agent into a single context parameter?

fn example<'gc, 'brand, 'scope>(
    context: &mut Context<'gc, 'brand, 'scope>,
    value: Register<Value<'brand>>
) -> JsResult<()> {
    // ...

I had thought this would not work: We must take &mut Context instead of a shared reference to be able to exclusively use the &mut Agent held inside, but now binding a Value<'_> to Local<'scope, Value<'brand>> needs to use a &mut Context<'gc, 'brand, 'scope> that then "transitively" holds borrows from inside the &mut Context borrow. Counter to my expectations this does seem to work so this does seem like a viable path forward.

Enter Scope, man!

The question then becomes, where does the 'scope lifetime really come from, and what does it stand for? For now lets drop the 'brand lifetime for simplicity (and in hopes that we can remove it as redundant). The 'scope lifetime stands for a limitation of "within this scope / lifetime, a Local<'scope, Value<'_>> is guaranteed to not be invalidated by garbage collection". The way we'd do this is the above-mentioned indirection: A Local<'_, Value<'_>> is an index to a Vec of Values that are accessible by the garbage collector, meaning that during garbage collection it can both use these Values as roots for collection but also, importantly, it can rewrite them to repoint them if the Value<'_>'s data moves as part of garbage collection.

When the "scope" is exited, we want to drop this Vec of Values, or possibly we want to shorten it to its previous length if we have multiple scopes stacked on top of one another. There is something to be said about dropping each Local<'_, Value<'_>> individually; this would mean that we have very direct control of the depth of our stack (because this is what we're creating here). The downside would be that each pop from the stack would need to be done with access to the Vec which we are likely to keep inside the Agent, and this means that any Drop impl on Local would be impossible as it would need to access the Agent through some unknown means of context passing. Thread local storage could solve this, but it is an ugly solution to a silly problem. No, it is better to keep the Locals as flyweight handles and drop one "scope" at a time.

But dropping the scope still needs access to the Agent! We cannot keep a mutable reference to it around somewhere while we're passing the &mut Context around, since that likewise contains the mutable Agent reference. What we can do is use actual Rust function scopes to resolve the problem:

let result: JsResult<Register<Value<'_>>> = agent.enter_scope(|ctx: &mut Context<'gc, 'scope>| {
    example(ctx, some_value)

Entering a scope through the Agent saves the current depth of the stack Vec to the native stack call, and then calls the given closure with a &mut Context that can be used to call into JavaScript. When this call finishes the length of the stack Vec is reset to the saved depth, effectively dropping all scope-allocated roots.

We need to also be able to stack scopes. This should be doable using the exact same logic:

let result: JsResult<Register<Value<'_>>> = ctx.enter_scope(|ctx| {
    example(ctx, some_value)

This just gives us a new ctx with a different 'scope lifetime. The lifetime doesn't need to be invariant; it is perfectly okay to use a Local<'old_scope, Value<'_>> from the parent ctx scope in the child scope.

Off to the races?

So, is it time to go implement this? Probably... The unsafety around Register<T> and having to bind them immediately after receiving is definitely unfortunate and has generated relatively strong opposition as well. There is yet another option, which is to cram the this value, all parameters and even the return value inside the Context. This would make it possible to extract properly bound Value<'gc> values for this and each parameter from the Context directly. But now these would always be rooted again, which is what the Register<T> system tries to avoid.

The biggest technical problem is the complexity of actually making the change: Nova's code base is not tiny by any means at this point. Making this change requires changing hundreds of files and tens of thousands of lines of code. And before the changes are actually truly safe to use, the lifetimes need to be plumbed through the entire code base. This is going to take a ton of work.

Nevertheless, think this is where we are heading I think. Nova's heap is such that we always have at least two levels of indirection from a Value to its backing data, first through the &mut Agent pointer to the heap, and from there we need to index into a Vec<T> to get the backing data. It seems unwise to unconditionally add yet another level of indirection (or two) for all backing data accesses in the form of the Local<T>.

At the end of all that work, we will have an interleaved garbage collector. Without one, Nova can hardly even be used as a JavaScript engine except in very limited (or very asynchronous) use-cases.